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Peter's Net
- Ratings and reviews of Catholic websites. Datatbases on theology, Church history, and a unique interqactive database where members can share resources for learning about the Faith. Discussion forums. Catholic News service. Best of all, they feat -
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Religion Islam Ilford Essex
- Isalm is a universal religion but to me it's a universal social system of living -
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Seeker of Truth
- Seek the Truth by exploring through a discussion board your thoughts and ideas on the concept of truth. Links to many articles on truth. -
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The Complete Picture
- This is the ISKCON gateway to an all-inclusive study guide and research database on the Hare Krishna movement, its origin, structure, philosophy, temples, programs, management, members, art, etc. -
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The Dar-Us-Salaam & Al-Huda website
- A full time Islamic school and islamic center serving the Washington Metropolitan area. With a lot of activities going on!! -
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The Foundation of Human Understanding
- For over three decades, FHU has been helping people to cope successfully with stress by showing them how to live according to the traditional Judeo-Christian Principles. -
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The Oiska's
- The First SkAlternative band. -
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Ysleta Lutheran Mission
- Is a non-profit church/relief organization that provides emergency food and supplies to impoverished communities in El Paso, Texas, and in Mexico. -
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